My New Offline Money Maker
I know you've seen those vending type machines around that hold bubble gum, runts, m&m's, etc. Well, I own one now:) I was recently introduced to them from a friend of ours and after hearing some the income figures, I decided it would be something for me.
To give you an example:
The left side is the big bubblegums. The container can hold 500 gumballs at .25 each. That totals $125 bucks when they are all gone! Not too bad! My machine holds 2 different types of candy to I'll making a nice little income from that. After just one sell out of both candies, I will have made a profit of $200. This includes the cost of the machine and candy for the first time. After that, I will just buy the candy to refill and everything from then on will be profit:)
If this is something you might be interested, all you need to do once you find a machine, is find a location to put it. Most places will let you put one in place for no charge at all. Very few will charge a small percentage. I will be placing mine at our farm & ranch store and at the beauty salon. Lots of kiddos with their parents go to the ones around here! (VERY small town)
November 3, 2007 at 2:28 PM
Very creative. Good luck.
November 3, 2007 at 11:38 PM
That's pretty cool! Good luck!
November 4, 2007 at 11:00 AM
Thanks!! I think it might be a fun investment for my son!
November 5, 2007 at 12:50 AM
We have a big bank of vending machines in the break room at work, soda, candy & chip, and a fridge type for sandwiches & such. When I see the guy that visits with refills, I always wonder how much he makes. It's got to be a mint with 600 people at our site, plus where ever else he has them.