Nuthin' Like Dutch Oven Cookin'
We participated in several ranch rodeos (WRCA) every year when we lived on the Fultons. One of them was at Amarillo, TX. It was, by far, one of the bigger rodeos held. There were many competitions and cooking was one of them. You had to set up a chuck wagon and cook out of dutch ovens and over an open fire. The menu would consist of chicken fry, mash potatoes, beans, cobbler, and rolls or biscuits. You made your plates for the judges and then the rest went to the public. It was hot and lots of hard work but I always had a great time.
Rolls & biscuits are always a favorite among cowboys. We actually won 1st place with these.....hmmmmmmmmmm GOOD! FYI~~These are biscuits.

Each person was assigned their own task. I've made the beans, mash taters, rolls, and mexican cornbread. I won 1st in with the taters, rolls, & cornbread. It's fun to participate but it's even more fun to win!! All about braggin' rights baby!

July 27, 2007 at 8:23 AM
Hi, Cowboy gurl...
I've tagged you for the Blogging Tips Meme.
Please check out the rules in my blog.
Thanks for participating!!!
July 27, 2007 at 4:44 PM
Looks like a lot of fun... and hard work too !
I haven't seen you over at my blog in a while... busy summer ?
July 27, 2007 at 6:27 PM
Hey Choc~~I'll try to do the meme for tomorrow!
Hey Chica~~ Sorry for my absence. Busy, busy, busy but I don't know what I'm actually getting done:/
July 28, 2007 at 5:49 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm... those biscuits look so yummy! I bet it'd be really tasty if you added some apple jam to them too.. *drool* lol
July 30, 2007 at 5:37 AM
I use too cook using a dutch oven on camping trips. mmmmm...apple cobler..delectamable...