
Do You Scrap?  

My mom is a HUGE fan of scrapbooking. She has all the cute little pieces and what not but me...well, I prefer digital scrapbooking myself. I'm way too lazy to cut, paint, and stick things together. sueangeldesigns.com offers a really neat package for a super low price. I mean, you can't beat the deal they give you. You can get everything you need all in one and it's only $18 A YEAR!! That's not all, you basically get to download everything plus the new designs released every month for that one low price. Talk about a steal! If any of you have bought digital scrapbooking software before, you know what it costs and while you may get some updates, you sure don't get unlimited downloads of EVERYTHING for a whole year for just under 20 bucks! Check it out and if you don't scrap, it would make an awesome gift for someone who does.

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